Personal info
Name: MgA. Karíma Al-Mukhtarová
Place of birth: Prague
Nationality: Czech
Contact: / +420735971830
2016 – 2018
Studio of Milena Dopitová, Academy of Fine Arts (AVU) in Prague
2015 – 2016
Studio of Dušan Záhoranský and Pavla Sceranková, AVU
Studio of Jiří Příhoda, AVU
2012 – 2014
Studio of Jiří David, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (UMPRUM) in Prague
2010 – 2012
Studio of Jiří Kovanda, Faculty of Art and Design in Ústí nad Labem
2009 – 2010
Studio of Pavel Kopřiva, Faculty of Art and Design in Ústí nad Labem
2022 Art Omi, Ghent, New York, USA
2021 Kontakt.- Degginger, Regensburg, Germany
2021 Egon Schiele Art Centrum, Český Krumlov,
Czech Republic
2019 CEAAC Strasbourg, France
2018 Visegrad Residency (Visual and Sounds Art)
4D Gallery, Galanta, Slovakia
Internships (practical trainings)
2019 Photoport Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2017 Jiri Svestka Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2012 Graphic Design and TV Illustration, Kymenlaakso
University of Applied Sciences (KyAMK)
2013 Winner of the Essl Art Award CEE 2013 (Czech Republic)
2011 The award of the Studio of Jiří Kovanda
Selected solo exhibitions
First Principles, Pragovka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Sometimes You Need To Lie Yourself, Aleš South Bohemian Gallery, Hluboká, Czech Republic
Extraordinary Ordinariness (with Martin Pondělíček), Vysočina Regional Gallery, Jihlava, Czech Republic
Already Existing But Not Seen, Garáž Gallery (GAG), Zlín, Czech Republic
Connection Almost Found, Třinec Municipal Gallery, Czech Republic
The State of Being in Between (with Maud Kotasová), The Gallery of Fine Arts (GAVU), Cheb, Czech Republic
Juxtaposition (with Martin Pondělíček), Photoport Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
The Different Story, Lapidárium Children's Gallery, Broumov, Czech Republic
I'm not what I seem, White Pearl Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Inner Feeling, Art Space Nov, Pardubice, Czech Republic
The Rooms, Futura Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
I don't agree with myself, Jiri Svestka Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Dear Valued Customers, Prague City Gallery (GHMP), Prague, Czech Republic
Na Okraji, Prokopka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Needlework, NoD Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Skoro drama, Avoid Floating Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Strč prst skrz ..., AM180 Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Jarní úklid, Altán Klamovka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Hledání jehly v kupce sena, Umakart Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic
Selected group exhibitions
Myšlení obrazem: Vizuální události Miroslava Petříčka, GHMP, Prague, Czech Republic
beyond BEYOND, MeetFrida project, Hamburg, Germany
Nová Forma 1, Gumárna, Čáslav, Czech Republic
Všechno Bylo Vždycky Lepší, City Gallery Pardubice (GAMPA), Pardubice, Czech Republic
Radikální ženy, DSC Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Viděné Formy, Kampus Hybernská Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Jiné hlasy, Jiné pokoje, Plzeň City Gallery (GAMP), Plzeň, Czech Republic
Future Ready, Kampus Hybernská Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Pocta Suknu, 8smička, Humpolec, Czech Republic
Perlorodky, White Pearl Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Rozhněvaná planeta, NTK Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Vlákna, klubka, tkaniny, Vysočina Regional Gallery, Jihlava, Czech Republic
Movere, House of Arts, Brno, Czech Republic
Macochismus, Blansko Municipal Gallery, Blansko, Czech Republic
Syntax Error/Vorspiel Transmediale 2016, Greenhouse Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Možná příjde i Zdislav, Klubovna, Brno, Czech Republic
Tailor-Made, Aula Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic
PALS festival, Fylkingen, Stockholm, Sweden
The body of the model, Berlinský Model, Prague, Czech Republic
ABOVE THE ROOFS OF BERLIN, Olivaer Platz, Berlin, Germany
Alotrium, U Dobrého pastýře, Brno, Czech Republic
Transcending Cultures – ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2013, Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg, Vienna, Austria
Hunky Dory, Karlin Studios, Prague, Czech Republic
ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2013, Nominees’ Exhibition, Futura Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Sochař nebo zahradník, Hluboká Gallery, Hluboká, Czech Republic
Co si počnem?, 1. Patro Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Nezávislý pozorovatelé, Karlin Studios, Prague, Czech Republic
Concentrado V. “A4”, APIS Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Nezvaný host, Chodov Fortress, Prague, Czech Republic
Posun o 90°, NoD Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Zlatý déšť, Mumie Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Kukačka Festival, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Transparent Refractions, TamTam Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Video Camp, House of Arts, Brno, Czech Republic
Art Has No History, Karlin Studios, Prague, Czech Republic
Silk Road Project, Ústí nad Labem/Kazakhstan
Květy Zla, Prague is Great City, Baumann Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Ospalá díra, NoD Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Making Worlds, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Via Lucis, The North Bohemian Gallery of Fine Arts (SGVU), Litoměřice, Czech Republic